Saturday, January 15, 2011

Neuroscience and Reading

What happens in our brains when we read? I found that question very intriguing and it became the foundation for my graduate lecture from Vermont College of Fine Arts.
I used brief clips from a BBC documentary, Why Reading Matters. I've pasted links to the entire program below and I'd love to continue the conversation about it through blog comments.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

An excellent book on the topic is Proust and the Squid by Maryanne Wolf.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Plans and Goals

Happy New Year!
Normally, I don't make New Year's Resolutions - I figure that if whatever it is really needs changing, then I shouldn't wait for January 1.
But, this year things are a little different.
In less than three weeks, I will recive my MFA in Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College. I've been working on that for the past two years and in many ways it has become a major focus of my time and attention. As part of the program, I've read 200 books, written two mystery novels and even tried my hand at picture books. I've also gotten to know some incredible writers from across the country and I look forward to deepening and continuing those friendships.
So, on to the resolutions.
First, I plan to post on this blog at least once a week. After all, I have 200 books I could potentially talk about, plus my own writing, plus what my friends and classmates have coming out this year, plus the writing events I'll be attending. Yes, there is plenty to blog about!
Second, I have those two mysteries and a couple of picture books that need to be revised, then sent out to agents and editors. I'm looking forward to applying the skills I've learned at Vermont College to complete the projects I've started.
Third, in conjunction with the last item, I have plans to attend the spring SCBWI Oklahoma Conference in Tulsa. I've signed up for a critique and I've got to get the opening of my manuscript in the mail by Feb. 1. That is also the deadline for the Oklahoma Writers' Federation Contest. Those awards aren't given until the conference the first weekend in May and I plan to be there too - it is always a great place to network and make contacts.
So, here's hoping to see more of all of you in the coming year!